Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Things that are Just So Wrong

We can all admit that things in our society are fucked up.  Here is a small sampling of the things that are Just So Wrong with our world:

1.  Bikinis for infants.  Padded bras for 10-year-olds.  Sweatpants for anyone with words like "Sexy" and "Pink" making appearances on the ass.  Why is child molestation on the rise?  Why is child pornography so rampant?  Blame the advertising world, the ones who say that this is not only "ok" but the norm!  Sexualizing our children is SO NOT COOL.

2.  Going to the ER for a cold that someone has had for 3 or 4 days.  Going to the ER trying to get narcotics to feed an addiction.  Going to the ER for basically anything non-emergent.  There is a reason its called the EMERGENCY room.  Why are healthcare costs out of control?  This is a big part of it.  Those dipshits who are seeking instantr gratification, the ones who have to feel better RIGHT NOW or they come back.

3.  The cost of gas climbing a dime a day.  I can't complain about the cost of gas, but its constant fluctuation is a PAIN IN MY ASS!  Pick a price, oil companies, and live with it.  If you lose money, deal with it.  (doubtful)  Consistency would at least be something we could all deal with.

4.  Hormones in food.  Our kids grow up way too fast anyway, but to put it on fast forward for bigger chickens and more milk production is just sad and unfortunate.

5.  The idea that kids can't swear.  They are just words.  Said in the right context, the right time and place, they can actually be pretty entertaining coming out of a little kid's mouth.  Like when Zane was looking for something (at age 2) and asked my mother in law "Where the fuck is the ---?"  Her eyeballs nearly fell out of her head, but she handled it pretty well, I have to say.  She just answered him.  She didn't giggle (I couldn't help it, but I did it behind my hand.)

6. Pressing one for English.  We live in America...?

7.  Misused apostrophes.  Not apostrophe's.

This list could go on forever and ever, it seems, and I am gettin surly just thinking about it.  Comment about some of the things that piss you off the most, and I will rant about them some other day.


  1. Illinois just made it illegal to piss in your neighbor's mouth.
    Size 22 "skinny" jeans? That should be illegal!

  2. As pertains to #5 - science has just decided that swearing has a non-narcotic painkilling effect, so really they're just saving you copays. Makes me feel better too, except in the presence of my lovely but Biblebanger MIL when I have to squelch myself. Makes me giggle a little too, thinking back to shocking Grandma Hedges by belting out a Willie Nelson song entitled "I Gotta Get Drunk" at 4 or so. I turned out OK, I think:)
