Its not fair. I have a newborn who goes to sleep about 9. As in PM. She, being the angel she is, gets up at 4, eats, and then retreats to her slumber for another 5 or 6 hours. A mother's dream? You would think so. I actually have to get up somewhere in the middle there because my hooters are screaming at me that if I don't DO SOMETHING they are gonna blow. I'm not really awake for that 1AM pumping, I'm just on autopilot.
So my baby sleeps all night. I don't. I sleep for shit. The littles get up earlier and earlier, now that it is light at 5AM. They stomp down the stairs and demand breakfast and juice. They demand to get dressed. Zane wants to know if he can go play in the driveway at 0530.
Then I have to make lunches for the other 4 freeloaders. By the time this is done (usually in a total daze) I feel the need for coffee. Then I take a quick shower--I try to savor it as it is my only "alone time" anymore. When I emerge from our lukewarm shower (it never did get rectified that the water in there is never above 95 degrees)I feel like I am ready to deal with the world.
The baby squawks a little. I pick her up and she barfs on me, my hair, my clean shirt. I stink like baby barf. Nora wipes toothpaste on my jeans, one of the two pairs that fit. I change my shirt some days. Other days I just hit it with a baby wipe and spray the spot with Love's Baby Soft.
I love them. I love them, I really do. I wish, though, that they would coordinate this morning routine so NO ONE got up until ten. Just one day a week, so I had something to look forward to. For now, though, its just purgatory.
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