Thursday, May 12, 2011

Donation Thursday

One of the biggest challenges of being a mother to 7 children is ORGANIZATION. Anyone who has ever known me knows that this is not my strong suit. I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-her-pants kind of lady. Yes, Great Aunt Margaret, I wear pants. I do. I reject the notion that a lady can only be a lady in a skirt, with the wind whipping at her hoo-ha. I mean, really?! Who does that anymore? Jeans and tshirts are my uniform most days, and a hooded sweatshirt if its too cold, but not cold enough for a coat. But I digress...organization. Yeah. Even my thoughts are unorganized most of the time.

Well, today's the day I dread. I have to sort through all the kids' clothes and figure out what stays, what goes, and what gets put away for fall. Its a task in great speculation (as in, how much will each one grow in the next five months) and also a sentimental task. I love looking at all the little clothes and remembering the funny things the little parasites have said or done while wearing a particular item of clothing. The reality of the matter is that I DO NOT have room for sentimentality. There is physically no room. I am happy to have my shoeboxes full of pictures, and should be.

Zane and Nora are helping me. We have garbage bags galore. I am glad to see some of this stuff go, like the socks that are too small for everyone, yet always seem to make it into the laundry basket week after week. I can't even drink because I have to make an appearance at work tonight. St. Mary would not appreciate a drunk Respiratory Therapist, even if it meant I did a better job and enjoyed it a lot more.

See what I mean about disorganized? Maybe I have ADD. Or ADHD. Maybe it was never diagnosed. Maybe life would be easier if I were medicated. Ah, Jesus, off the subject again. The eternal rant...maybe I should sort through my books too, and make room for the new ones that should be delivered this week. Thanks, Amazon! But, yeah, I'm staring at this pile of clothes, and it needs to be dispersed, and nothing's happening with my ass rambling away here, so...

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