Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I may look like an uneducated crackhead...

Apearances can be deceiving. Often they are not. The old saying goes "If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, chances are...its probably a duck."
If someone saw me out randomly on the street, they would most likely think I was an uneducated thug. I will admit, that is the look I am going for. I appreciate my solitude, and the nice folks of Minnesota are hell-bent on making sure I know just how friendly and outgoing they are. This acts in direct conflict with being left alone. So what better way to be unapproachable than to look the part?
I sport tatoos, a wardrobe of black and camo, and hair stashed under a scarf. I ride a motorcycle when I can. Not your typical mommy-attire. I'd prefer not to be taken too seriously. I don't take myself too seriously, after all, so I don't think anyone else should either. It makes one appear pretentious, after all.
I don't parade around in cashmere I can't afford. I own jeans, but would rather wear sweats. I am not weighted down by outlandish jewlery, as much as I would like to be. I don't waste my time and efforts putting on airs.
I am not uneducated, as my student loans will have you know. In fact, I am highly educated, and perhaps OVEReducated for this area. I rarely utilize my education, but when I do, it is generally to bully those who have underestimated me. I pull out the master's-level, going-on-PhD vocabulary. I don't have a fancy title, a fancy car, or fancy clothes. Sometimes I shower before I leave the house, but it is not a requisite. Sometimes I comb my hair, but not always.
For anyone who takes the time to get to know me before they judge me, they will find my appearance farcical. That's the whole point. I want to know who I want to converse with, and if someone deems me uneducated and thuggish based solely on my appearance, do I want to waste my time speaking with them? I think not. So this persona I have created is a self-preservation manuever. Because if I had to talk to all the nicey-nices out there, I would likely vomit. Its just easier to have them think I am scary and unapproachable.

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