Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'd Rather Not Beg

As someone who is divorced and court-ordered to receive both child support and reimbursement for uncovered medical expenses, I would prefer not to have to jump through additional hoops to obtain what is owed to me. There is a reason I am divorced from my ex, and it goes something like this: he is a loser and I would prefer not associate with him in any way, shape, or form. This, my friends at the child support office, means I would prefer not to have to call him about medical expenses. I would prefer not to have to write him simpy little notes about the money he owes for our child's braces. I just want to fill out the fucking paperwork, send it to my caseworker, and have her forward it on to him. Why oh why must I jump through the hoops of having such things notarized? And if I do, why can the caseworker not just DEAL WITH IT???
The fact of the matter is this: there are bills involved with having a child. Sometimes theses bills exceed your whopping contribution of $200 a month, if you can believe that! I'm not getting rich off child support. As a matter of fact, I sneeze at it. I mean, really what does $200 buy? It doesn't even cover the payment plan for her braces.
And it would be a different story if, when I informed my ex of an expense, he jumped right on it and paid his portion, as deemed appropriate by the court. The fact of the matter is this: he waits the 30 days he has and pays nothing. Then I have to go through all the bullshit again and send it to the caseworker who then sends it to him. When he doesn't pay it for another 30 days, then they start to collect it incrementally from his paycheck. REALLY?! What about interest? No, no, we have to give this deadbeat who is in the hole up to his eyeballs as long as we can to pay it back, and in the meantime, I'm racking up more bills so we can start the whole freaking circus over again in 6 months.
This is a system that is broken. The child could suffer, but I refuse to let that happen. The only thing that makes me smile about the whole ordeal is the idea of him paying off what he owes once our daughter is grown and gone. Because at this rate, that is how long it is going to take.

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