Monday, April 25, 2011

What women want

A poem that I wrote for my MFA. I can't find anyone with big enough balls to publish it, even the feminists! I think it's good enough, and it deserves to be read.

What Women Want

I want a red dress.
I want a small waist and big
exotic eyes, the kind that get me noticed.
I want men to swoon
when I speak, even when the words echo
my distaste for them.
I want you
to stop and wait for me
when I fall behind, distracted
by the scent of lilacs or the pile of dogshit
that resembles a man
we both know.

I want to wear flannel shirts. I want
to shed this skin
and wade into the March river, clear and biting,
the current raging. I want
to sit around a campfire, cheeks on high
from whiskey burning in my guy
I want to laugh and be certain
it isn’t too loud, it doesn’t make me ugly.

I want to touch all your right places,
my hands made of peacock feathers, lithe
and vibrant. I want
to flood you with the red
of my dress, comfort you with the soft
flannel of my shirt. I want
to erode away all the girls
you loved before me, the pretty ones
you won’t forget.

I want lakes of fire
in my thighs so I can sear my name
on you, make you wear
it: mailbox, bank account, byline.

The same way I wear yours.


  1. Great poem. Thanks for posting it.

  2. ...just thought of this...Ya know what Ryan Vine's poetry call would have said about this? "the poem is good, but the title is the same as a movie so..."

    ...just like when i wrote a decent poem but gave it the title "Eyes Wide Shut"

